Monday, April 11, 2016

New Seedling Crisis

You cannot say I have skated through the seedling process, but trial and error is the only way to learn what works best for you in your particular situation.

I've been pulling the bio-degradable cups from the tray periodically to see if they are still wet; so I don't over water the plants and get another round of mold.  Well guess what I found on the cups?  Right, MOLD!!

I am done using this type of product.  It has been a waste of time and money (for product and potting soil).  Next year I am sticking with the standard 6 pack and 4" pots that professional greenhouses use.

I had to re-pot all of the celeriac, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers and cucumbers since I still have 4.5 weeks before it is safe to plant outside and I did not want the mold to spread to the plant roots and kill my entire seedling crop.

All are safe and sound in their new homes and seem to have survived the transplant.

The Diva Farmer ~ Come Grow With Us

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